Kamis, 06 Agustus 2009

Aloe vera

lidah+buaya Aloe Vera

(Aloe vera; Latin: Milleer Aloe barbadensis) is a kind of plant that has been known since thousands of years ago and used as fertilizer hair, wound healing, and for skin care. This plant can be found easily in the dry areas in Africa.
Along with the progress of science and technology, the plant growing Lilah Farming as a raw material for pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries, and as food and health drinks.
In general, Lilah Farming is one of 10 types of plants terlaris in the world that have the potential to be developed sebgai medicinal plants and raw materials industries.
Based on the results of this research is rich in plant substances womb-like enzyme substances, amino acids, minerals, vitamins, polisakarida and other components that are very beneficial for health.
In addition, according to E Wahyono and Kusnandar (2002), Lilah Buaya nutritious as anti inflamasi, anti-fungus, anti bacteria and helps the process of cell regeneration. In addition to the decrease in blood sugar for diabetics, control blood pressure, stimulate the body’s immune attack against cancer disease, and can be used as nutritional support of cancer, people with HIV / AIDS.
In the countries of America, Australia, and Europe, at this time Lilah Farming has also been used as a raw material for food industry and health drinks.
This plant can be used to pickle jelly cakes to snack and snack-for example if you berkunjunag to Pontianak sempatkan food from Crocodile tongue.

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