Sabtu, 11 Juli 2009

Tips and Trick how seeds Adenium seeding

Adenium Arabicum, Adenium boehmianum, Adenium swazicum, Adenium somalense var. crispum, Adenium somalense, Adenium oleifolium , bunga Yang Cantik, Beautiful Flower, Indonesian Flower, Jepun Jepang, Beautiful Plant

Here is a suggestion Adenium seed seed to get the maximum level germinasi.

     * Rendam Adenium seeds in water for ± 1 hour. Can also liquid fungicide.
     * Prepare a special container (tray) for the seed. Or can use any home can also accommodate the media and the drainage channel is good.
     * Media is often used is: Cocopeat (coconut fiber powder), roasted bran, coarse sand with a comparison of 2:2:1.
     * Put the media in the vessel media give little water.
     * Create a hole as deep as 1 cm in neat, can use a pencil or finger.
     * Put the seeds in horizontal / flat / bed in the hole that was created.
     * Close the hole with the media.
     * Green is good for the seed is in the temperature 20 - 35 degrees Celsius, good air circulation, and is exposed to the sun barrier 50%.
     * During the approximately 2 weeks to germinate, keep the media always wet but does not tarnish.
     * After sprout and reveal a pair of leaves, planting media should be kept quite dry out before the next sprinkling (treated as plants mature).
     * Fertilization can be done after the age of 2 weeks with the fertilizer liqiud splash of water to water with low concentration.
     * After appearing 3-4 pairs of leaves (about age 2 months), Adenium is ready to move to a pot-pot itself.

Adenium socotranum, Adenium Arabicum, Adenium boehmianum, Adenium swazicum, Adenium somalense var. crispum, Adenium somalense, Adenium oleifolium , bunga Yang Cantik, Beautiful Flower, Indonesian Flower, Jepun Jepang, Beautiful Plant

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