Senin, 13 Juli 2009

Grammatophyllum stapeliaeflorum Orchid

Grammatophyllum stapeliaeflorum orchid, beautiful flowers, bunga unix, cantik tanaman

Grammatophyllum stapeliaeflorum orchid, beautiful flowers, bunga unix, cantik tanaman, Tumbuhan langka

Grammatophyllum stapeliaeflorum orchid, beautiful flowers, bunga unix, cantik tanaman, Tumbuhan langka, gambar anggrek

Consanguine this type of orchid is quite limited in number. Based on the record while, in Indonesia only 3 types, namely sugar cane orchid (G. speciosum), tiger orchid (G. scriptum) and Anggrek sad (G. stapeliaeflorum).

This is normal orchid orchid sad because a dull color and shape of flowers hang like stream of water. Bulbnya bulb-like tiger orchid (G. scriptum) just outside the surface of the skin shine and appear more rigid, such as plastic coated, with a long single approximately 14 cm, 6 cm wide, somewhat with 2-3 leaves on top. Leaf size is quite big, the length approximately 35 cm towards the increasingly narrow . Flowers appear from the bulb base with a bow flower bunches and hang down. The length of flower stem about 30 cm. In the cluster is to grow as many as 12 flower bud. Flowers  gray brown with purple spot spot-old, does not smell scrumptious.

This type is found in forests in Sumatra, Java to Sulawesi. Epifit grown on the trees in the forests of the slightly open. Based on the record while the plant is flowering in the months January, February, June, July. What time is the same as the flowering in nature still needs to be inspected. Flowers bloom period between 13-15 days. Ellipse-shaped fruit.

This plant has started , but unfortunately still a little because it is still less popular than the other two relatives, orchids and orchid tiger cane. Generally kept in large pot or large hanging pot growing digital media with the root of fern fiber and a little coconut. Sprinkling necessary but not every day. Easy  with . Although the interest rates that are less interesting, but it is the only family member that has a morphology Grammatophyllum bunches hang with the position. The uniqueness is what makes this orchid species start a lot of collectors.

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